Sunday, June 13, 2010

What am I up to these days

My Goodness,
I'm so "out of date" with this and figured I needed to get you all "caught up" on what's going on in my life. Well, apologies aside, my new web site: "" is officially up and running. I decided to put my "hobby embroidery" mentality aside and get real about what I have been gifted to do. My desire is to show you world, that embroidery is much more than the "left chest logo" of olden days. Now, I am bringing attention to new and exciting areas of creative embroidery with machine embroidered lace vests, hats, gloves, and even doll clothes. I love the new "wearable art" fad that I hope never fades. I was never one that wanted to look like everyone else and thinks that 1 of a kind originals are much more fun than mainstream "same old-same old". So, this baby boomer is learning to use social networking as a serious, "get it out there" and "run with it" concet that seems to be working well for so many others.
Thanks Krista Dunk, Koinia Women's Network, for taking me to Biznet a couple of years ago!